Pillow Talk

Mattress Pad X Shoot To Throll

Bred by Karl Friddle
EN: 5-6
REG: 185585006
Stress Negative


Pillow Talk is a tremendous addition to our boar line up here at Goldrush.  Just 6 months old in his picture, you can appreciate the excellent bone he has.  When we saw him in the ring at the Summer Type Conference we felt that he needed to come to Goldrush.  Pillow Talk has the WOW FACTOR for everyone that sees him.  His length of neck powered by a big bold shoulder blade with huge bone simply sets him apart from most boars.  He has a deep jaw line with a stout skull, yet he is still long necked. Feet and legs are perfect in their placement and length of stride is ideal. Up high, he has a chiseled back with a huge barrel for a rib cage, and is his impressive in his hip and hind leg.  Pillow Talk is a special Spot Boar.

Pricing & Ordering

Spring Pricing Starting 3/1/25

Full Price: $200 a dose
Overrun: $100 a dose

Pricing Schedule (view all)

Helpful info: Shipping & Billing FAQ

Collection Days

Mondays & Thursdays (excluding holidays)
To order call 765-789-8349


Semen needs to be kept at approximately 63 degrees.

Read our full semen storage guide here


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